Well there’s only so much i can do when videoing these little guys but this will give you a look at them.☺️ Puppies bodies at this age twitch alot so you may notice that in the videos. It’s always amazing to think how quickly these little puppies change. Before i know it they’ll be running around the playbox and then heading home!🥰💖🐶
I film at night so please excuse any flying bugs that are attracted to my lights.☺️
The one and only female Female # 1 SOLD
Male # 1 SOLD
Male # 2 SOLD
This is take 4 videoing this next little guy. He just would not stay still unless he was in my hand. Haha I have a heating pad under the blanket but he was like the heck with that where are you!🥰😁Hahaha Male # 3 SOLD